
robert owen thomas (
Wed, 1 Feb 1995 13:22:40 -0600

hello, list-folk--

the other day, i happened to join a conversation about Unix security with
a couple of fellows at a local bookstore.  one of them mentioned the "magic"
hole.  i have heard mention of this hole before, but i assumed the hole
no longer existed.  apparently, this was a hole in /bin/login.  does anyone
else remember this?  the last time i heard mention of it was *several*
years ago, hence my assumption.  then again, i recently spotted an old
sendmail hole ("wizard") at a site, so one can never really assume anything,


o robert owen thomas: Unix consultant. MAILER-DAEMON. user scratching post. o
o         e-mail: --or--            o
o                  vox: 708.632.5768  fax: 708.632.5694                     o
o                -- System Administrator's Dictionary --                    o
o    user (you'zer) n. 1 A waste of system resources; an unwanted load      o
o    on the processor(s) of a Unix system. 2 Someone who uses Caps Lock.    o